[ openSYDE_v1.66r0 ]

See also:

[CAN installation and CoDeSys gateway troubleshooting guide]

[OpenSYDE Quick Start Guide]

Summary of changes:

Import openSYDE Datapools over TSP

openSYDE Target Support Package: With new openSYDE Target Support Package (*.syde_tsp) format it

is now possible to import the complete node description (incl. Datapools, COMM Messages, COMM

Interface Settings, …)

Add support for new device BCX-4CS-F

New device “BCX-4CS-F” added to toolbox.

Add support for new device M01-CAN2

New device “M01-CAN2” added to toolbox.

Add support for new device SMX.pt-ea1

New device “SMX.pt-ea1” added to toolbox.

SYDEflash UX improvements

Minor fixes and improvements:

• Added option to add hex files via drag & drop.

• Added option to add hex files by relative path.

• Added graphical update progress information.

Bug Fix - EDS File Import – DLC is always 8

The issue that the DLC was always 8 has been fixed.

Bug Fix - Signal min/max value not working properly

COMM Signal properties: When “Auto Min/Max” option is active the update of the min/max values is not

updated properly on screen when changing signal length. This has been fixed.

Bug Fix - Dashboard Slider Widget is broken when handling float values.

Operating a Slider Widget with an assigned float value causing issues has been fixed.