Product Discontinuation Notification

PCN-Number / Rev / Date

45362 / 1 / 22.05.2023

Category / change type

SWFW software / PDN Discontinuation / MAJOR


Software discontinuation

Motivation, trigger

Discontinuation of Matlab package for ESX.3 products

Details of change

The current Matlab ECT will be changed to a new version of Matlab ECT

Alert impact

The previous Matlab ECT is no longer available.

The package is based on an older architecture and is therefore no longer available for the following controllers.

- ESX.3cm

- ESX.3xm

- ESX.3xl

For control units, a new Matlab package based on a sustainable architecture is partly available.

For more information please contact your sales contact or



EOS end of sales (LTB)


LTD Last time delivery


EOSR end of service and repair


If you need further assistance, you may also contact your local sales representative or our sales department. STW shall not be held liable if this notification is not correctly distributed within your organization.

Affected Product / STW part number / Customer part number

ESX-3XL MatlabSimulink Support Package / 50909 / n.a.

ESX-3XM MatlabSimulink Support Package / 52002 / n.a.

ESX.3cm Embedded Coder Target - MATLAB / 81380 / n.a.