STW PCN 44968 "TCG-4 Software change - Software update of all standard variants to the release Impala"

STW will raise the software level of all non-customized variants of

the TCG-4 to Impala.

The latest version extends the range of functions and increases


First product shipment 01.08.2022

Affected Product STW part number 

Teleservice module TCG-4e-global 86878 

Teleservice module TCG-4e-global 94139 

Teleservice module TCG-4e-global 94138 

Teleservice module TCG-4e-EU 86842 

Teleservice module TCG-4e-US 86844 

Teleservice module TCG-4i-US 86843 

Teleservice module TCG-4e-US 88270