Here is an example code on how to check for a specific CAN message in your Codesys application and then call the "SysClose" sub-routine to power down the Controller. (This remote power cycling logic is needed to remotely flash the controller using the VDS/VDSR tool) 

The CAN message used in this example is as follows:

  • DLC: 4 bytes
  • Byte 1: 16#DE
  • Byte 2: 16#AD
  • Byte 3: 16#BE
  • Byte 4: 16#EF

Here is the code:

//CAN reset message

fb_x_can_obj_get_msg.ou32_Handle := gu32_CanHandleReset;


IF fb_x_can_obj_get_msg.os16_Status = C_NO_ERR AND

    fb_x_can_obj_get_msg.ot_Msg.u8_Dlc = 4 AND

    fb_x_can_obj_get_msg.ot_Msg.au8_Data[0] = 16#DE AND

    fb_x_can_obj_get_msg.ot_Msg.au8_Data[1] = 16#AD AND

    fb_x_can_obj_get_msg.ot_Msg.au8_Data[2] = 16#BE AND

    fb_x_can_obj_get_msg.ot_Msg.au8_Data[3] = 16#EF


    fb_x_ser_write_string(ops_String := ADR('CAN Reset!$r$l'));

    q_CanReset := TRUE;



IF gu8_SysIgnition = X_OFF OR q_CanReset = TRUE THEN

    fb_x_ser_write_string(ops_String := ADR('Ran '));

    s_Temp := UDINT_TO_STRING(gu32_SysTimeMs / 1000);

    fb_x_ser_write_string(ops_String := ADR(s_Temp));

    fb_x_ser_write_string(ops_String := ADR(' seconds.$r$l'));

    fb_x_sys_delay_us(ou32_Delay_us := 250000); //delay 0.25 seconds

    fb_SysClose(); (* power down system *)


Here is a screenshot of the CAN handle in Codesys: